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Showing posts from August, 2017
Tonight in class, we first learned about Poll Everywhere, a website used for polling. Our professor had questions on the poll in a quiz-like form that we answered using text messages. It's so nice to be able to take a little quiz by just texting our professor's Poll Everywhere number. We also began learning how to create concept maps. I don't even recall ever seeing concept maps when I was in school, but they're such a neat method to use when teaching a lesson. I have the basics done, but I've barely made a dent in making my concept map what I really envision; thankfully I have a free weekend to make it perfect.
This week we created an educational video using Adobe Spark. Using information from our textbook, each individual in my group created their own slides from assigned sections from our designated chapter: chapter 3. My group worked together really well, and I actually enjoyed creating the slides for the group project. I'm looking forward to creating more projects in this class, and I'm happy to be learning more and more about being able to use technology in the classroom.

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone! My name is Sarah Ryals, and I'm so excited for this semester. I've previously taken public speaking online, so I'm fairly comfortable with talking to a camera (Obviously very comfortable with talking about myself because I droned on for ages; sorry about that). I've always been quite comfortable working with computers, so I think this class will be fun and intriguing. I'm completely new to blogger so please bare with me as I learn how to use it correctly.